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Elevator Access

The RSA Battle House Tower is located behind the RSA Battle House Hotel. You can reach the Tower by entering through the hotel on Royal Street and walking along the walkway (past the restaurant) towards the back until you see the security desk. You can also reach the Tower by entering through the exterior doors on Water Street, Dauphin Street, or St. Francis Street. Check-in is at the main security desk near the elevators  in. 


Monday - Friday, 8:30AM - 5:00 PM


  • Centrally located on the first floor of the RSA Battle House Tower is a long hallway of elevators.  Near the set of elevators is the security desk.  In order to gain access to the elevators, inform the security officer on duty that you have an appointment to see Afiya Hooker or The Sunshine's Haven on the 10th Floor.  The security officer will then call our front desk to confirm.  Make sure to bring a valid photo ID. This will be used to confirm your identify. The security desk will then issue a temporary badge to use the elevator. Upon arrival to the 10th floor, you will be greeted by our receptionist(s).  Feel free to have a seat in our waiting area.  


After 5:30 PM,  Saturdays, & Holidays


  • During these times the exterior doors are locked, so you may only enter through the hotel entrance on Royal Street.  Also, the security desk does not issue security badges for elevator access during these times, but will notify me of your arrival once you check in with them.  If you have any issues with this process, simply call or text 251-329-2989  and we will come down to escort you up. Be sure to leave a brief message and I'll be down as soon as possible.



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